North America Map

North America Map

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Thanks for listening in 8/7

We had lots of listeners, games and fun times, and I really look forward to Saturday mornings with Etsy chatters and having fun little contests.

This weeks winners were:

Naiveglow- Biz card holder for knowing Apollo 100's song JOY

Chickadeejewelry- Biz card holder for knowing Carol King's song YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND

and the big winner:

....for knowing BROWN EYED GIRL and my last name (Lathrop) from our commerical and she won a matching set of Biz card holder, checkbook holder and fabric covered daily planner w/ planner


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our PSA started airing Saturday 7-31-2010 at 7:10am CDT

Hi Group.

We were having streaming internet problems this weekend. Wires were all over the place. No time to fix it with Kevin and I only at the station. Sorry you couldn't hear the show or PSA live. The good part is the PSA/Commercial is also now on the, which is a link to the crafter page of the radio station website. You can also get there by going to and click on the crafter link on the right hand side of the page. Let us know what you think.

I called Finnashe on the cell phone and let her listen live for the first time.
I figured somebody from the group should hear it so I telephoned.

smiles Suzi Moose and my Kevers