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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome to SUZIMOOSE's Blog

Hi! My name is Suzanne and I am best known as SUZIMOOSE on where I sell my crafts since May 7, '10


  1. Hi! My name is Annette from Tacoma, Washington and I have recently started selling jewelry making supplies on Etsy. I have enjoyed making and selling jewelry over the last 12 years. You can find me on my seller name is beadjewelrysupply.

  2. Welcome to the blog and the group of Etsy Sellers we are forming, Annette from Tacoma!

  3. Hi, My name is Suzanne and I live in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. I sell handmade jewelry on Etsy. Jewelry design and making are my passion and psychology is my vocation. I have an Etsy shop called Chickadee Jewelry. I'm so happy to be part of this group. Thanks Suzanne/Suzi the Moose!

  4. Hi all, My name is Gina Whitesell and I'm from Battle Creek MI (Cereal City USA) and I have been selling jewelry under the brand Twisted Ginger Jewelry for 6yrs annd been making jewelry for 17. You can find my listings on Etsy under Twisted Ginger Jewelry.
